Bike Ped City Rides

Bike Hating?

What is up with motorists hating on bikers? Anyone who rides in Bloomington knows that unkind/unsafe motorists will met on every journey around town.

On those long journeys in the county I’ve been openly threatened a few times (a litre of Coke thrown at me while being passed, rolling coal while climbing a hill, and of course high speed passing within a foot of me). However, those incidents were rare, spaced out over 20 years, while the mini-aggressions of city riding occur every day. It seems that the evidence shows that separated bike paths are the only way to make our cities safe for bikers and pedestrians.

Check out this Guardian article, apparently drivers in England have the same opinion of bikers as here, that we are in their way, and should be relegated to painted bike lanes. They do not see us as an integral part of the transportation system, but rather an impediment.

This has been proven an incorrect assumption by the success of the 7-Line from Walnut to Dunn, IMHO. I can now bike and motor on 7th St more quickly (not faster) than before the protected bike lane was installed.

Cars travel more slowly due to the narrowed lanes, but with no stop signs, the trip to Dunn St. takes less time, with the added benefit of less stress on the brakes and engine of car. On the bike side, it is faster with no stops, but more importantly, it feels much safer! Bikes have been given priority on this street, and it benefited motorists as well, it is a win/win.

Zephyr Ebike Shop

Best Ebikes 2022?

Well, people often want advice, and of course I give it, but my hands on experience is limited to a dozon or so brands. The article below reviews a full spectrum of trials and evaluations by the Electric Bike Report, with most brands represented. Of course the big players like RadPower, Aventon, and Blix all show up in multiple catagories.

Others have show up in a specific catagory (i.e. Lectric as the best inexpensive fat tire folder). Additionally, there is a section on batteries and their life cycles, all in all, this is an accurate introduction to ebikes in 2022, give it a look!
Zephyr Ebike Shop

Just Another Form of Transportation…

Ryan Van Duzer loves his ebike, and can tell you why in this well crafted video (well, he is a tv star). Of course, he has an extra fancy mid drive model ($3000), but he hits all the major points to be made for riding an ebike. He explains why ebikes are great for exercise as well as for day to day errands.